Monday, September 14, 2009

wEEKend UpDate.

Taylor, Emily, and I had a pretty great time this weekend shooting bathroom graffiti in the NC Triangle area. We started in Chapel Hill and worked our way back east. We took a lot of still photography of bathrooms that were reccomended to us by passerby-ers. haha. We just talked to everyone that we met and asked them for advice on places to go. It turned out to be rather fruitful.

I would like to personally thank Judd for taking us around Chapel Hill campus and showing us the best graffiti we had seen all day. He was the biggest help! Also, I would like to thank Judd for restoring my faith in men and humanity. But that is a whole 'nother blog topic.

We met this great guy named Tim too! He emailed me from his Iphone at the beer shop in Carrboro, some great graffiti that he has taken pictures of in Brooklyn. I posted the picture that he sent me. I love connecting with new people through this film. Oh and if you look closely, you can see the name James about 24 times in there. James get over yourself bro.

There are some pretty sweet I Love You graffiti's on the walls of downtown Carrboro. Even though its not on bathroom walls, I still liked it.

ALSO! anyon and everyone that reads this- I know theres at least one of you. Well I know at least Courtney Bridgers reads this, but I hope there are more- PLEASE document your life and by life i mean document the bathroom graffiti that you come across in your life and send it to me on here or at BE A PART OF THIS BEAUTIFUL THING.

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