Monday, September 14, 2009

Thank you Professor Hudson - you are the bee's knees

I have a new favorite Professor in town. Don't get jealous Shannon. Professor Hudson, an art history scholar, sent me a list of tranlated statements from the ancient walls of Pompeii. Feist your eyes on the oh I DONT KNOW total similarities to modern day bathroom graffiti.

He sent me pages, but I picked some of my favorites for your optical pleasure.

This is my personal fav:

II.7 (gladiator barracks); 8792: On April 19th, I made bread

VI.13.19 (House of Sextus Pompeius Axiochus and Julia Helena; left of the door); 4485: Hectice, baby, Mercator says hello to you

VI.14 (vico degli Scienziati); 3042: Cruel Lalagus, why do you not love me?

VI.14.20 (House of Orpheus); 4523: I have buggered men

VI.14.36 (Bar of Salvius); 3494: In one bar, a picture depicts two men playing dice. One shouts, “Six!” while his opponent holds up two fingers and says, “No, that’s not a ‘three’; it’s a ‘two’”. By the door of the bar, another picture shows a short man driving a group of men out. Above his head are the words, “Go on, get out of here! You have been fighting!”

VI.14.36 (Bar of Salvius; over a picture of a woman carrying a pitcher of wine and a drinking goblet); 3494: Whoever wants to serve themselves can go on an drink from the sea.

VI.14.37 (Wood-Working Shop of Potitus): 3498: What a lot of tricks you use to deceive, innkeeper. You sell water but drink unmixed wine

VI.14.43 (atrium of a House of the Large Brothel); 1520: Blondie has taught me to hate dark-haired girls. I shall hat them, if I can, but I wouldn’t mind loving them. Pompeian Venus Fisica wrote this.

VI.15.6 (House of Caesius Valens and Herennius Nardus); 4637: Rufus loves Cornelia Hele

VI.16.15 (atrium of the House of Pinarius); 6842: If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend

VII (House of the Tetrastyle Atrium); 2060: Romula hung out here with Staphylus.

i love this

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