Wednesday, September 9, 2009


WELL i GUESS this whole crazy idea TECHNICALLY began IN joselyn's head a few MONTHS ago, BUT tomorrow WE (taylor, Emily, and JOSELYN) are HOLDING THERE first Interview for the LAVATORY LANGUAGE! In case I haven't filled you all in properly, I want to state that The Lavatory Language is a freeform living breathing experimental documentary that we lovely ladies are and will continue to be working on for the next few months. Wish us luck on our journey to the heart of bathroom graffiti through the ages. We'll be looking at historic graffiti from Rome and Pompeii as well as from up the Eastern Seaboard of the good ole USofA. If any of you lovers find some graffiti worth showing EMAIL JOSELYN@USA.COM with the picture and a short description of where and when you saw it and maybe what it meant to you. We'll take anything. So get your disposable cameras out and start snapping. It will get uploaded on here!
OH YEAH. WE NEED MONEYS! If you have some extra money give it to us please. WE need it for developing our film! And for gas. And for food. And if our food gives us gas we need to buy pepto and we need money for that. So, if you want us to bake you stuff, seriously Taylor is an awesome baker! She makes Magnolia Cupcakes that will knock your socks off - LET US BAKE FOR YOU. or visit our T-shirts and MOre Store at!

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