Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pompeii Inscriptions with Professo Deagon from the Latin Studies Division of UNCW

Joselyn McDonald and Professor Andrea Deagon sat down today to hammer out rough translations of street slang Latin from Ancient Pompeii. This is what they got.

Translations with Professor Andrea Deagon of Pompeii Bathhouse wall inscriptions and designs. Joselyn McDonald November 17, 2009.


4498: Thyas doesn’t loves Fortunate

3494: Gay Lover depictions

2013: Niycherate the little pig womens genitalia loves by oral sex for everyone

9226: Rufus is

5296: If only I could hold your neck in an embrace and bring/give kisses with your tender lips- your purple pleasure. Believe believe me light is the nature of men. I often have stayed awake in the middle of a lost night meditating these things with myself. Thinking with myself about the many men brought up on high. Oppresses at one point and suddenly thrown head long Venus has joined the bodies of lovers- & light divides them.

4592: Evtychs the Greek (woman), for two copper coins does what’s natural- in a good way

4776: Ladicula (a thief or diminutive) is a thief

4778: May you grow in Spain?

4888: List of Prices:
Pig 4
Bread 6
Small Cabbage 2
Beet 1
Mustard 1
Mint 1
Salt 1

8364: Secundus (male) Lady I ask that you love me

8020: Venustus- elegant/handsome

8055: 2 Gladiators
Oceanus 18 wins
Aracintus 54 wins

9258: I said and written 6 times that you love Hiredem who does NOT care for you (signed) Severus

Sucesus the weaker loves the slave girl of the inn keeper by the name of Hiredem who does not love him- but he asks her to party. His Rival writes this from jealousy. Your rival is more handsome- because you are busting with jealousy- don’t plot against us

4957: We Peed on the bed I confess. We’ve done wrong. Guess if you asked the reason why – It’s because there was no prostitute on it.

5092: The fires of Love – if you should feel them – you could see Venus (sex). I love a young man who is quite elegant/attractive. I ask that we should go I suggest Pompeii. Love is sweet there. You are mine.

4976: Sodom and Gomora

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