Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lucky Graffiti Finds!

This weekend our filming was splintered. Taylor went to DC and Baltimore to shoot an unrelated narrative. While she was traveling North she documented bathroom graffiti in various locations along the way. She said that unfortunately she was in "bathroom graffiti hell" because many of the restrooms she happened upon had been recently repainted. That is the way it goes in the world of documentary. You really have no clue whether your searches will be fruitful or not.

ON THE FLIP SIDE of that last thought, Emily and I hit the JACKPOT! Literally, we went to a bar in Raleigh called Jackpot and it was the jackpot of all bathroom graffiti locations. We had four bathrooms to choose from in a small bar! That is crazy in of itself. But then what made this location even more spectacular is that this graffiti was primarily drawings. DRAWINGS! We have been looking for drawings all along. Also, on our way out of town we happened upon a coffee shop called The Third Place. It had some of the quirkiest outlandish bathroom graffiti around. There were even magazine postings that people had glued to the wall and commented upon. Check it out the next time you are in Raleigh. Its located next to Lily's pizza and ask for Andrew. He makes the best chai's around. They even gave us burnt cookies for free while we were recording.

And then I'll finish this little blog entry with the coolest happening of the weekend. We had an amazing encounter with Dr. Elizabeth Penton. She is a foremost expert on cave art. She met with Joselyn at Randall Library on UNCW campus. The talked at length about the fundamental needs of people to create art. It was fantastic and we can't wait for the film to express our thoughts on the subject. More to come soon!

Remember! send us any images of bathroom graffiti that you happen upon. If you have a cameraphone take a pic and send it to or 910 330 9552.